Curso versão GRATUITA - Revalida USA

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Versão gratuita - Revalida USA

Para você que quer ser dentista nos Estados Unidos e revalidar seu diploma de Odontologia gastando pouco dinheiro durante o processo, aqui temos um compilado de maneira organizada dos nossos vídeos no YouTube, dando dicas e te ensinado como passar no processão de validação de Odontologia.

São mais de 100 vídeos!!!
    Graduation day - VCU May 2017

    Quem é Dr. Leo Koerich?

    Graduou-se pela UFSC em Santa Catarina em 2009. Depois da graduação, fez um Post-doc Research Fellowship na UNC – Chapel Hill, onde trabalhou na área de ortodontia e imagens 3D. Cursou uma residência em ortodontia na UFRJ no Rio de Janeiro com bolsa CAPES. Entretanto, sempre teve interesse em morar nos Estados Unidos e mudou-se com o propósite de revalidar o diploma. Em 2014 aplicou para 3 faculdades, e foi chamado para entrevista em todas. Entretanto, após ser aceito em duas (UIC e VCU), acabou cancelando a entrevista na UofM e seguiu sua revalidação em Richmond na Vírginia. Em 2017 concluiu a faculdade e abriu consultório na região de Charlotte, na Carolina do Norte. Hoje, tem mais de 25 artigos publicados, além de capitulos em livros e também é revisor de periódicos internacionais.

    Patrick Jones - Course author

    Estudantes no curso

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    I tried to do everything independently on my first application cycle; unfortunately, it did not work out as I imagined. However, this time, I was determined to make a change. I hired Dr. Koerich consultation and signed up for the Dental Academy USA entire course. I learned a lot about documentation, interview preparation and how to craft an impactful personal statement. Now, looking back, I can tell you that without a doubt, it was an excellent choice for my results. I strongly recommend Dental Academy USA USA to make your dream a reality.
    Dr. Marcela Ferreira, TUFTS Class of 2026
    After interviewing in a couple places and not getting any offer, I decided to join Dental Academy USA to learn how to improve my application. It was a game changer and now I will be joining the IDP program at UAB.
    Dr. Stephanie Cousins, UAB Class of 2026
    Since I left Brazil, all the way to my acceptance at the BU Advanced Standing program and the UCONN Orthodontic residency, I always counted on Dr. Leo's expertise. He has a lot of experience in the USA and he always guided me on the right path.
    BU Class of 2021
    UCONN Orthodontics Class of 2024
    It was great to count on somebody that truly undertands the process in and out. Dr. Leo and Dental Academy USA certainly made my life easier and the path clear for my success in the USA.
    Dental Academy USA was an essential part of my journey, especially on the first application part, documents, interview and program selection. The course format is very well organized and Dr. Leo is very easy to get in touch with. I highly recommend Dental Academy USA, as it can save time and money on your application journey.
    Dr. LORENA ACHCAR, NYU Class of 2026
    I had no clue how to start the process to become a dentist in the USA. Then, I met a somebody who was in the same boat that I was, and she recommended me to sign up with Dental Academy USA. DA USA helped me with the step-by-step and providing details. After much persistence and many hours of preparation and Dental Academy USA help, I got accepted! 

    "O sistema de aplicação americano é completamente diferente."

    "Eu fico surpreso de ver excelentes candidatos desistindo do sonho de ser dentista nos Estados Unidos. As pessoas falam "é muito complicado". Sim, eu concordo, o processo é longo e difícil de entender, mas eu estou aqui para ajudar."
    Dr. Leo Koerich

    Veja nossos vídeos no YouTube

    Se você chegou até aqui, veja mais sobre meu histórico!

    - Graduei em primeiro lugar na turma na VCU.
    - Mais de 25 artigos publicados
    - Recebi prêmio de melhor pesquisa do ano pelo American Journal or Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics in 2012 (#25 abaixo).
    - Escrevi 3 capítulos em livros
    - Fui convidade para palestrar 3 vezes no evento anual da American Association of Orthodontics! Infelizmente um evento foi cancelado duranto o COVID-19!
              Aqui segue a lista com minhas publicações no PubMed!
    Fadel MAV, Santos BZ, Antoniazzi RP, Koerich L, Bosco VL, Locks A. Prevalence of malocclusion in public school students in the mixed dentition phase and its association with early loss of deciduous teeth. Dental Press J Orthod. 2022 Sep 23;27(4).

    Claus JDP, Koerich L, Weissheimer A, Almeira MS, Bele de Oliveira R. Assessment of condylar changes after orthognathic surgery using computed tomography regional superimposition. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Sep;48(9)1201-1208.

    Bianchi J, Porciúncula GM, Koerich L, Ignácio J, Wolford LM, Gonçalves JR. Three-dimensional stability analysis of maxillomandibular advancement surgery with and without articular disc repositioning. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. Aug;46(8):1348-1354 2018.

    Deeb G, Koerich L, Whitley D 3rd, Bencharit S. Computer-guided implant removal: A clinical report: J Prosthet Dent. Dec;120(6):796-800 2018.
    Koerich L, Weissheimer A, Koerich LE, Luz D, Golob Deeb J. A technique of CBCT superimposiion in implant dentistry. J Oral Implantology. Oct;44(5):365-369 2018.

    Koerich L, Brunetto DP, Ohira ETB, The effect of hard tissue surgical changes on the soft tissue displacement: a pilot CBCT study. Dental Press J Orthod. 2017 Sep-Oct; 22(5):39-46.

    Koerich L, Interview for Kieferorthopadie Nachrichten from Germany. 2017 Jan-Feb.

    Koerich L, Weissheimer A, de Menezes LM, Lindauer SJ. Rapid 3D mandibular superimposition for growing patients. Angle Orthod. 2017 87(3):473-479.​

    Koerich L, Burns D, Weissheimer A, Claus JP. Three-dimensional maxillary and mandibular regional superimposition using cone beam computed tomography: a validation study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016 May; 45(5):662-699.

    Koerich L, Ruellas ACO, Paniagua B, Styner M, Turvey T, Cevidanes LHS. Three-dimensional regional displacement after surgical-orthodontic correction of Class III malocclusion. Orthod and Craniofacial Research 2016 May; (19)2:65-73.

    Weissheimer A, Menezes LM, Koerich L, Pham J, Cevidanes L. Fast 3D superimposition of CBCT for orthopedics and orthognathic surgery evaluation. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015 Sep; 44(9)1188-1196.

    Koerich L, Ruellas, ACO. Facilitating direct bonding for lingual retainers. Int J Orthod Milwaukee 2015 Summer: 26(2):37-38.

    Koerich L, Solon-de-Mello PA, Mattos CT, Sant’Anna EF, Ruellas ACO. Influence of structural superimposition and magnification in cephalometric diagnosis. Dental Press J Orthod 2015 Mar-Apr; 20(2):29-34.

    Porciuncula GM, Koerich L, Eidson L, Gandini Jr LG, Gonçalves JR. Can CBCT superimposition help orthodontists to better understand relapse in surgical patients?. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014 Nov; 146(5)641-654.

    Brunetto DP, Velasco L, Koerich L, Araujo MT. Prediction of 3-dimensional pharyngeal airway changes after orthognathic surgery: A preliminary study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014 Sep; 146(3):299-309.

    Ruellas ACO, Koerich L, Mattos CT, Baratieri C, Alver Jr M, Brunetto D, et al. Reliability of CBCT in the diagnosis of dental asymmetry. Dental Press J Orthod 2014 Mar-Apr; 19(2):90-5.

    Nguyen T, Cevidanes L, Paniagua B, Zhu H, Koerich L, De Clerck H. Use of shape correspondence analysis to quantify skeletal changes associated with bone-anchored Class III correction. Angle Orthod 2014 84(2):329-336.

    Franco AA, Cevidanes LH, Phillips C, Rossouw PE, Turvey TA, Carvalho FD, de Paula LK, et al. Long-term 3-dimensional stability of mandibular advancement surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013 71(9):1588-1597

    de Paula LK, Ruellas AC, Paniagua B, Styner M, Turvey T, Zhu H, et al. One-year assessment of surgical outcomes in Class III patients using cone beam computed tomography. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013;42:780-889.

    Fulco GM, de Paula LK, Pereira HSG, da Silva JS, Guedes FR, Ruellas, ACO. Análise comparativa entre cefalometrias manuais e cefalometrias obtidas através de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. Revista ABRO 2012;13:73-86

    De Clerck H, Nguyen T, de Paula LK, Cevidanes L. Three-dimensional assessment of mandibular and glenoid fossa changes after bone-anchored Class III intermaxillary traction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:25-31.

    Rocha R, Ritter DE, Locks A, de Paula LK, Santana RM. Ideal treatment protocol for cleft lip and palate patient from mixed to permanent dentition. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;141:S140-148.

    Eidson L, Cevidanes LH, de Paula LK, Hershey HG, Welch G, Rossouw PE. Three-dimensional evaluation of changes in lip position from before to after orthodontic appliance removal. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:410-418.

    de Paula LK, Ackerman JL, Carvalho Fde A, Eidson L, Cevidanes LH. Digital live-tracking 3-dimensional minisensors for recording head orientation during image acquisition. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;141:116-123.

    Nguyen T, Cevidanes L, Cornelis MA, Heymann G, de Paula LK, De Clerck H. Three-dimensional assessment of maxillary changes associated with bone anchored maxillary protraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;140:790-798.

    Triches TC, Paula LK, Filho MX, Bolan M. Apical fenestration and ectopic eruption - effects from trauma to primary tooth: a clinical case report. Dent Traumatol 2011;27:74-76.